How to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris - Tips and Tricks

 I bet you know that question. How to get rid of keratosis pilaris for good? Keratosis Pilaris is a very common chronic skin condition that affects many people of all ages. Keratosis pilaris (KP) is usually characterized by little white or pink bumps on the upper arms, legs, buttocks, and in rare cases can affect the face. This condition is also known as a "chicken skin". I know - it can be really annoying so keep reading to find out how to get rid of Keratosis Pilaris.

How to get rid of keratosis pilaris step 1:
  • Before you shower, put some Vaselineon the affected area. The steam of the shower will hydrate your skin while the Vaseline protects. Use a washing, exfoliating method ( loofa or exfoliating gloves) to scrub the affected area in circular motion while showering. Then apply lotion to the area after you get out of the shower. The best lotions to use are lotions designed to treat acne that contain a small amount of salicylic acid (around 2%).  
How to get rid of keratosis pilaris step 2:
    • A small amount of exposure to the sun can be very helpful to contition of your skin.
    How to get rid of keratosis pilaris step 3:
    • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. (10 glasses of water every day is a must!) 
    How to get rid of keratosis pilaris step 4:
      • Try a lactic acid lotion. You won't need a prescription to use this type of product, and it can be used as an adjunct treatment to medicated creams. What a lactic acid lotion will do is remove excess protein from your skin, which will aid in softening these trouble areas. 
      How to get rid of keratosis pilaris step 5:
        • Moisturize your skin. Since the roughness or coarseness of skin is essentially dry, you should use a moisturizer daily. Virgin Olive oil or Coconut oil are great moisturizers and they are natural. (Remember: Moisturize instantly after shower!)
        How to get rid of keratosis pilaris step 6:
          • Make some changes in your diet. Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin A in your diet. Vitamin A is not only good for you, but it is great for your skin too. Consider adding supplements like flax seed oil and fish oil to your diet as well.